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This piece has been a joke I kept to myself for the past year. Based on my favorite phrase of any random bourgeois german dude in his mid-fifties: "The sexism in your home country must be awful. I'm glad we don't have these kind of problems here anymore." Awesome! A continent of equality, named after the myth of a young woman getting kidnapped and abused by a devine white bull. All is in order, clean and neat. I guess, it is good to know that I've been living in a country free of sexism for the past 20 years. ❤️
Foto: Fritz Lord
kEEPING IT UP:a european fantasy
Plaster, polymer plaster, towel, acrylic glas, aluminium, flokati, rubber, steel
Foto: Sofia Mayer
Foto: Sofia Mayer
Foto: Sofia Mayer
Foto: Sofia Mayer
Foto: Sofia Mayer
Foto: Fritz Lord
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